Bella Connors
Dark Fantasy Author

Welcome to my home!
Welcome to the dark home of Bella Connors online. I'm very glad to have you here, but, please excuse the mess as I'm just getting things set up. I hope you find some of the pages that I've put in here as interesting as I do, and hopefully you'll stick around for the stories, books and behind-the-scenes content as I take you on a ride through writing and publishing an indie dark fantasy book!
Off to the left, you'll see my social media links, feel free to follow me on any or all of them. Just be aware that you'll get to see some personal and/or political things as well. I don't shy away from being honest, it's just who I am.
Below you'll find the sign-up form for my newsletter. I only publish it once a month, and it's very easy to un-subscribe if you're not enjoying the content. Feel free to sign up and also to send me an email or message on social media about anything you like. I'm pretty much an open book, so say whatever you like!
I get asked a lot if I'm going to offer author resources that I've collected over the years and yes, I am going to do that. I'll be putting them together in a blog here on the site and hosting the files here, since a lot of authors have found them to be helpful when they're working on their books. I want to make clear that I'm no expert and I'm not telling anyone how to write anything, what I have are mostly templates of questions that help worldbuilding and story/plot structure. I have collected them from free sources around the internet, if the content helps you, I'm happy to hear it, feel free to drop me a line or send me a message on social media. If there's something you can't find, feel free to ask and I'll do what I can to track it down and make a template for it.
The following areas are still under construction:
Looking for more information on why I write what I do? Check out the About section up top. Interested in the projects I've got going on right now? The Projects page is what you want. Heard about the author resources and want to check them out? Resources will take care of you. Interested in the short stories I have written, those are hosted elsewhere (some in spicy places)? The Story Projects link in the menu will get you there.
I'm glad to see you, if you need anything, just click on my name and send a message.